
Content strategies to drive engagement

Richard Long
Richard Long
8 Jun 2022
SEO wooden blocks

Enabling your audience to find you and your content quickly, at the tap of a Google search, is critical for 99% of brands today – healthcare is no different.  

The old model was to produce healthcare content with the sole purpose of getting “eyes on”. As we move away from this, we leave behind only measuring traffic. 

To be effective, drive engagement and convert clinicians into believers who will prescribe, content designers must consider next actions and deeper engagement.   

However, before that can begin, people have to find your content quickly. 

So how do you effectively promote your healthcare content? 

Utilise search engine insight tools 

Find out what Google is being asked, by patients and healthcare professionals, around your health condition or disease. If you know their questions, you know what content will appeal to your audience. Design your content to answer these questions. 

Identify messages 

Software is now insightful and intuitive, allowing you to identify messages connected to brands, conditions or scenarios around patient presentation, prescription or ongoing treatment management. Connected messaging allows your brand to position themselves using the 5W approach of “who, why, when, where and what”. Use this to build out a more rounded picture of valuable content your audience can use.

Healthcare professional at desk

Use more than the written word 

Content is not a linear deliverable. YouTube has 3 billion global searches a month and has recently rolled out new tools to find credible healthcare content. Video and animation suit today’s “quick reference” world and whilst healthcare has been slower to adopt it, video is an essential part of any communications toolkit.  

How can we help? 

At earthware, we often ask clients to “get out of your head and into that of your audience”.  

Our new service lines enable you to do just this. 

Our Insights and Analytics service lets you see what clinicians, specialists, patients and caregivers are asking online about your condition, drug, disease, evidence, treatment and even your competitors.   

Working hand in hand with the content team, this information helps develop a comprehensive communication plan that keeps your audience coming back for deeper, more detailed information.  

We have also added a brand new video service, captivating attention and enhancing understanding in a way no other type of content can. More on the power of video storytelling next week! 

To find out more on how you can harness these services to drive engagement, drop me a line.