Award winner

LiverSync® patient app

In Europe, 200,000 people are affected by Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE), a potentially fatal condition caused by chronic liver disease. Norgine wanted to develop an app to help patients monitor symptoms anytime, anywhere.

Cognitive function patient app brain illustration


Empowering liver disease patients to recognise the early signs of HE can help them seek medical support sooner, reducing their risk of developing irreversible brain damage and potentially death.

Software medical device for HE

Cognitive tests

Months to develop
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This was Norgine's first software as a medical device which meant we were starting a nerve-wracking journey into the unknown. We chose earthware to be our partners because I know I can trust them to be honest and helpful throughout. We have a great relationship with the team that allows us to get things done super efficiently as a true partnership.

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Kym Jacks-Bryant

Head of Digital Centre of Excellence, Norgine